Valuable Resources and Information:
Is your business eligible to receive SBA assistance? (Businesses 500 employees or less) Find out more below:
Small Business Administration: Loan programs and other information on how to apply.
IRS: Information on Coronavirus tax relief.
Connectivity and Resilience: How Technology is Supporting Business Continuity Webinar April 16, 2020, 1:00 PM
Don't Forget Energy is Vital:
Don't forget the Department of Homeland Security has identified energy as essential. The U.S. energy infrastructure fuels the economy of the 21st century. Without a stable energy supply, health and welfare are threatened, and the U.S. economy cannot function. Presidential Policy Directive 21 identifies the Energy Sector as uniquely critical because it provides an “enabling function” across all critical infrastructure sectors.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration- COVID 19 Resources
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has resources to help employers and workers prepare for and respond to coronavirus in the workplace.
April 13 Memo: Interim Enforcement Response Plan for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
OSHA Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19 – Developed in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to help employers respond in the event of coronavirus in the workplace.
Temporary OSHA Guidance on Respiratory Protection Standard – This guidance provides suggestions and options to help increase the availability of N95 filtering facepiece respirators for healthcare providers.
COVID-19 Webpage – Provides infection prevention information specifically for employers and workers.
API has provided these pandemic information resources to ensure members and industry partners have easy access to critical health and safety information as the outbreak of COVID-19 develops. Oil and natural gas operations occur around the world, which creates unique challenges for operators when such events occur. These resources can provide the information needed to make the plans and decisions necessary to protect people and maintain the global supply of oil and natural gas so critical to the world economy.